Disclaimer, Term, Policies…

Disclaimer, Term, Policies… in general – please be civil and respectful and try to make every effort to understand and/or take into consideration someone else’s perspective (if you disagree, try and explain why).  Everyone relax and enjoy the conversation.  We welcome different perspectives and viewpoints.

The material on this website and any and all of the websites of The Stack CafeTM websites is for educational and informational purposes only. 

In addition,  any information (e.g. sources) provided by, provided to us, cited by, cited to or used by this website to any and all links and/or third parties does not necessarily reflect the opinions of, endorsement of or an affiliation with any of the cited links, site, information, websites or any and all third parties.  We hope this information is helpful (never should it be construed as advice or anything else, just information for the reader).  And, by using this site, you agree and have read the disclaimer page.  And, all trademarks are owned by The Stack CafeTM unless noted. 

The Stack CafeTM is a user and supporter (owners of The Stack Cafe were issued Token vouchers but we were not able to redeem our vouchers from Blockstack based on restrictions in place fo certain States) of the Blockstack blockchain/browser and Stacks (stacks wallet holder).  In addition, the Stack Cafe participated in the Community Rewards Program (potential Stacks were awarded and the program was discontinued) of Blockstack. Additionally, the Stack Cafe is not affiliated with Blockstack. (The owners of the The Stack Cafe own Stacks tokens but do no have a financial interest in Blockstack (PBC, Hiro or otherwise).

Please note that The Stack Cafe is not endorsing anything mentioned on this website for investment by or for anyone.  Any and all information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

Thanks again, The Stack Cafe.