LessPass – a Stateless Password Manager

Welcome to The Stack CafeTM — LessPass – a Stateless Password Manager. LessPass is an open source project to use/generate passwords. And, it looks like a neat open source password project worth checking out. We will try and do a quick overview of LessPass for you.

With LessPass, the developers put forth an open source password manager that allows for remembering “one master password to access your passwords, anywhere, anytime.”

LessPass further describes itself in these words:

LessPass generates unique passwords for websites, email accounts, or anything else based on a master password and information you know.

LessPass is different from other password managers that you can find on the Internet because:

  • It does not save your passwords in a database
  • It does not need to sync your devices
  • It is open source (source code can be audited).”

Sounds great, and it is stateless. Stateless – via a general definition – “In computing, a stateless protocol is a communications protocol in which no information is retained by either sender or receiver, meaning that they are agnostic of the state of one another. ” (See this link here)

And, it appears to help solve the problem of having to remember multiple passwords, breaches, syncing and the code is perhaps more robust based on the audit-ability of the same (open source). This type of project may blend in well with other open source projects e.g. blockstack.

A rundown – on how it works – from one of the developers can be found at this link here.

Below, we provide some screenshots and links for learning more about LessPass. We hope you find this useful.


  • Remember one master password to access your passwords, anywhere, anytime.


  • computes a unique password using a site
    • login and a master password.
      • You don’t need to sync a password vault across every device because
        • LessPass works offline!


  • Use complex passwords with help from the LessPass DB


  • it is Open Source too (transparency and added security)
  • And, host your own LessPass DB with Docker)


  • Available on many platforms too

We have not tried out LessPass but will give it a go at some point (when we do we will try and provide a brief overview). But, it looks like a great tool to help with the password conundrum. In the meantime, go give it a try and give us and/or LessPass some feedback.

In addition, LessPass is not trying to take advantage of anyone. LessPass prides itself on

  • being open source open source (GPLv3 license)
  • refuses to install cookies, analysis tools on our applications
    • (there are no Google Analytics, or links to external services on our tools).

We like that and try to promote open source and no tracking etc. See our posts on open source, licenses and online protection here, here and here.

And, perhaps it may be a tool that can be used on the Blockstack ecosystem (e.g. a decentralized password manager). If you have not tried out Blockstack, you can find some links below to help you get started in the decentralized internet platform for identity, security and storage. Gotta have the Blockstack browser –

Note: If you do not have the Blockstack browser, please see this link (note – to enable the full functionality of any dApp built for the Blockstack ecosystem (e.g., decentralized, building a new internet, a decentralized internet, re-decentralizing the internet) you need to use the Blockstack browser).

Remember, per Blockstack – all information or data you create or store using a dApp via your Blockstack Browser is encrypted and securely stored in a decentralized manner. And, it is only accessible by you and only those you give access to your data and information.

Other helpful links for more information on Blockstack include:

Blockstack – the new decentralized application platform and ecosystem for the decentralized/re-decentralized internet (dApp, dApps, blockchain, bitcoin, distributed and Web 3.0)

Blockstack’s Forum


For more on All things DeveloperTM, see this link here. For more on the engineering meeting at Blockstack, please visit the forum. Blockstack makes the internet you use better!TM

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